



Expermients & Proof



 Zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini and Libra(Anahata)

7 Chakras
 The 2nd Ray of "Love-Wisdom"rules this chakra symbol. It's at this chakra that we start to see the possibilities of the internal and external world...the world of spirit and of form. The heart chakra is the integration point for the seven chakras of the body, because it holds the sacred spark of the divine and the intuition of the Mother.

When the heart chakra symbol is open, we are able to forgive, our lungs are clear and our immune systems are healthy. The higher chakras cannot be assessed till we pass through the heart. A heavy heart is one that carries resentment and anger from denied feeling and emotions, as well as guilt.
To have a healthy heart, you must allow these suppressed emotions to surface, heal, and fall in love with yourselves. Or, suffer from bitterness and lack of forgiveness. An unhealthy heart chakra causes alone feelings and despair. How you love yourselves, you love others. The heart lessons are self-love and forgiveness of yourself.
Health issues: high blood pressure, breathing difficulties, circulation problems, shortness of breath, chest pains, disorders of the heart, tension between the shoulders.
  1. Do you allow yourself time alone for you?
  2. Do you practice true forgiveness by seeing your own faults?
  3. Do you carry a lot of sadness and emotional wounds in your heart that you don't want to accept and look at?
  4. Are you able to let go of controlling everything and letting a balance between intellect and your feeling emotions have control?
Transcendence of the unloving imprints of this chakra:
"Healing of spirit, emotions, body and heart take precedence over everything."


Associated Crystals: Amazonite  Averturine   Rose Quartz   Serpentine   Blue Kaynite


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