Blue Apatite Properties
♥ Intellect ♥ Focus ♥ Learning♥ Clarity of Concentration ♥ Acceptance
♥ Unconditional Love ♥ Stimulates Thoughts & Ideas ♥ Enhances Communication
♥ Intellectual Pursuits ♥ Clears Confusion
♥ Peace and Harmony ♥ Fights Viruses
♥Stone of Manifestation ♥ Self-Expression
Affirmation: I see clearly and express myself with ease.
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Zodiac - Gemini
Element - Air
Chakra - Throat Chakra
Typical colours - Blue, grey, green, yellow (rare)
Apatite is a stone of manifestation. It is related to service and to humanitarian pursuits. Apatite is attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives. It stimulates the development of our psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation and aiding communication and self-expression on all levels. It balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and the chakras, eliminating overactivity and stimulating underactivity.
Psychologically, Apatite increases motivation. It draws off negativity about oneself and others. It is helpful for hyperactivity and autism in children. Apatite enhances creativity and the intellect. It clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self. Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger.
Physically, Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium, helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells. It improves arthritis and joint problems. Apatite can successfully help in suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating. It heals the glands, meridians, organs and overcomes hypertension.
In addition to the generic healing properties of Apatite, specific colours have additional attributes:
Blue Apatite
Blue Apatite opens the throat chakra. It enhances communication in groups and facilitates public speaking. It heals the heart and emotions. Blue Apatite connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance.
Blue Apatite energetically acts as a hunger suppressant. Simply wear or carry a piece with you throughout the day. Blue Apatite also eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance. Blue Apatite can cleanse the aura of cluttered energies, bringing a renewed sensation to the body. Blue Apatite is a good stone to help balance the chakras, as well as the energies of Yin and Yang.
Blue Apatite enhances manifestation of ideas to reality and facilitates getting results. It has traditionally been associated with humanitarian efforts and teaching. Blue Apatite is also known for bringing clarity of mind and expansion of insights, and is especially helpful when diligent study is needed to uncover the truth.
Blue Apatite enhances communication and self-expression on all levels, making this a great stone for teachers and writers. Blue Apatite encourages openness and ease in social situations, a quality that makes it especially useful for autistic children. Blue Apatite acts as a good balancer of energies, emotions, chakras, and subtle bodies, as well as the male and female aspects of the self.
Blue Apatite can help to effectively work within the dream state to form solutions to perplexing problems. Those who are overemotional can benefit from Apatite's ability to highlight logical solutions and induce calm states of mind.
Blue Apatite can also be used as a Third Eye Chakra connecting the user to higher levels of spiritual guidance. Use Blue Apatite to deepen and maintain focus in meditation. Blue Apatite can also initiate, stimulate, and/or increase the development of psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. Meditation with a Blue Apatite Crystal on the Third-Eye Chakra can open this chakra up to more subtle vibrations.
Used at a physical level, Blue Apatite will focus healing energy on the body's systems, glands, meridians and organs. It also strengthens bones and teeth as well as cartilage. Apatite is also quite handy to take with you to the dentist, as it eases the fear associated with such visits.
Blue Apatite chips/chunks would be the perfect companion for pockets, crystal pouches and medicine bags. Add Blue Apatite chips/chunks to a special grid or to clear the energies in a space.
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